EV / The modelers
EV / The modelers
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Comparing the Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative Policies for Recommending and Providing HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis to Men Who Have Sex With Men in the EU
Background In the European Union, HIV disproportionately affects men who have sex with men (MSM), with prevalence rates ranging from …
Boxuan Wang (王博玄)
João Brázia
Andreia Sofia Teixeira
Eugenio Valdano
Journal website
Collaborative forecasting of influenza-like illness in Italy: the Influcast experience
Collaborative hubs that integrate multiple teams to generate ensemble projections and forecasts for shared targets are now regarded as …
Stefania Fiandrino
Andrea Bizzotto
Giorgio Guzzetta
Stefano Merler
Federico Baldo
Eugenio Valdano
Alberto Mateo Urdiales
Antonino Bella
Francesco Celino
Lorenzo Zino
Alessandro Rizzo
Yuhan Li
Nicola Perra
Corrado Gioannini
Paolo Milano
Daniela Paolotti
Marco Quaggiotto
Luca Rossi
Ivan Vismara
Alessandro Vespignani
Nicolò Gozzi
Journal website
How floods may affect the spatial spread of respiratory pathogens: the case of Emilia-Romagna, Italy in May 2023
The negative impact of floods on public health has been increasing, as climate change makes these events more frequent and intense. …
Claudio Ascione
Eugenio Valdano
Journal website
Disruption of outdoor activities caused by wildfires increases disease circulation
Although climate change poses a well-established risk to human health, present-day health impacts, particularly those resulting from …
Beatriz Arregui García
Claudio Ascione
Arianna Pera
Boxuan Wang (王博玄)
Davide Stocco
Colin J. Carlson
Shweta Bansal
Eugenio Valdano
Giulia Pullano
Journal website
Ignoring spatial heterogeneity in drivers of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in the US will impede sustained elimination
To dissect the transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States, we integrate parallel streams of high-resolution data on …
Zachary Susswein
Eugenio Valdano
Tobias Brett
Pejman Rohani
Vittoria Colizza
Shweta Bansal
Journal website
Dynamics of new strain emergence on a temporal network
Multi-strain competition on networks is observed in many contexts, including infectious disease ecology, information dissemination or …
Sukankana Chakraborty
Xavier R Hoffmann
Marc Grau Leguia
Felix Nolet
Elisenda Ortiz
Ottavia Prunas
Leonardo Zavojanni
Eugenio Valdano
Chiara Poletto
Journal website
Evaluating the impact of PrEP on HIV and gonorrhea on a networked population of female sex workers
Sexual contacts are the main spreading route of HIV. This puts sex workers at higher risk of infection even in populations where HIV …
Alba Bernini
Elodie Blouzard
Alberto Bracci
Pau Casanova
Iacopo Iacopini
Benjamin Steinegger
Andreia Sofia Teixeira
Alberto Antonioni
Eugenio Valdano
Journal website